3D2A-S high pressure pump
The pump 3D2A is improved on the Easisof the pump 3D2 with the characteristics of thestructure of needle Eearing Eetween crankshaft andconnecting rodĶlower friction coefficient, very goodluErication, staEle driving, low temperature and suitaEle for longtime operation. The pump can Ee applied to coal e[cavation with highpressure water Metting, hydraulic liTuid supply in the well, high pressurewater cleaning, metallurgy descaling, powder metallurgy, shipping rustelimination, Easic engineering,liTuid transportation, engineering andpressure test for various ruEEer hose, metal tuEe and oil well as well.The medium to Ee pumped can Ee clear water and some other chemicalliTuids as well.
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